Cannabis-based products have been used for centuries. In fact, the oldest record of cannabis use dates all the way back to 2737 BC, when Shen Nung used the plant as medicine. It was also commonly used in Ancient Greece and Rome for its medicinal properties.

Fast forward to the 21st century and the use of products that contain cannabinoids for health and wellness is still common; in fact, as people around the world are steering away from manufactured products that are laden with chemicals, cannabis seems to be more popular than ever before.
Given the fact that it’s natural and it can treat a broad-range of ailments – from aches and pains to depression and anxiety – it’s easy to see why cannabis use has soared.
As scientists today are discovering (like terpenes for example) because legalization allows for scientific research is, the applications for cannabis are so vast that you really need a chart or visual map to track all of the ways that the plant can be used and the benefits that it provides.
Fortunately, there’s a company that’s dedicated itself to creating science-based infographics and charts that highlight all of the cannabis uses.
That company is known as Goldleaf, and the images that they generate are more than just useful; they’re so interesting and visually-pleasing that you’ll want to make it the focus of your interior design.
And given the fact that marijuana is being legalized in countries around the globe, the perceptions of the plant have really shifted and more and more people have realized that marijuana isn’t just for “getting high”.
In addition to benefits of its recreational use, cannabis also offers many health benefits (hence why it has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years).
The cannabinoids – the naturally-occurring compounds that marijuana contains – including THC, but even more so CBD, effectively treat a wide range of health issues, and the best part is that cannabinoids don’t cause the adverse and often dangerous side effects that are associated with chemically-synthesized medications.
About the Goldleaf Brand
Regrettably, due to the laws that were placed on cannabis (in the United States, for example, it’s a Schedule 1 drug) the benefits of cannabis were delayed, due to the laws that were associated with the plant. Because of these laws, marijuana use was considered taboo for decades.
However, in recent years, the laws have loosened and now the many advantages of weed and its cannabinoids are now being realized.
While this is certainly a very good thing, it seems like there’s a flood of information about the benefits and uses of cannabis, which can make keeping tabs on the details hard to keep up with and difficult to understand.
Goldleaf, attempts to educate the public about the advantages and the applications of cannabis more approachable and easier to digest. The company’s goal is to dispel the misinformation, disinformation, and myths that are commonly associated with marijuana.
According to the Golfleaf website, their mission is to “Make the complex more approachable – beautiful, even.” They take a scientific approach to explaining the benefits and uses of marijuana.
Using the most recent peer-reviewed articles, Goldleaf produces interesting products that bring together minimalist, yet eye-catching designs with the most current cannabis-related news.

Their products include a full line of informational displays that detail numerous topics that are related to cannabis. The end result is displays that are as visually appealing as they are informational.
If you’re interested in a sophisticated way to learn about cannabis yourself and to educate your family, friends, customers, or even your patients about the most up-to-date cannabis-related facts while also adding stylish décor to your home, store, or office, the prints that Goldleaf makes are a fantastic option.
The Goldleaf Approach
Goldleaf prides itself on being a trusted authority of cannabis research. The company cites the most highly respected experts in the products that they make.
Because the research related to cannabis is evolving at such a rapid pace, they only generate a small handful of products so that they can keep current with the most recent findings.
In addition to using the most up-to-date scientific cannabis news, Goldleaf is also committed making the highest quality products by incorporating detailed craftsmanship with information sourced from FSC-certified stocks and non-toxic inks in all of the goods that they create.
The people behind Goldleaf hope that they will be able to help play a role in the shift from the use of manufactured products to a more holistic lifestyle.
Goldleaf believe that by inspiring a more thought-provoking, well-educated, and visually pleasing outlook that they will be able to change the way that people perceive marijuana and will inform more people about the many benefits and applications of the plant.
Best Selling Goldleaf Products
Goldleaf creates products in three categories:
- Journals, which are designed to be highly versatile, easy to understand, and easy to use.
- Prints, which focus on the science that drives the passions of life, while being informative and visually pleasing.
- Supplies, such as journal covers, pens, recipe cards, and hanging rails that are designed with care and made to improve the use of other products Goldleaf makes.
Additionally, Goldleaf products fall into three themes:
- A medical collection that incorporates items that are specifically aimed for medical professionals, patients who would benefit from cannabis, and those who simply want to learn about cannabis science.
- A recreation collection that features products that are intended to complement people’s passions; ideal for those who consider themselves connoisseurs, adventurers, and enthusiasts.
- A cultivation collection that incorporates several unique products that can’t be found anywhere else and that are made specifically for cannabis cultivators.

Herb CEO Final Thoughts
Goldleaf is truly a unique retailer of cannabis-related products. Their science-based approach combined with the thoughtfulness behind their products and the great amount of care and detail that they put into the creation of the products they make truly make Goldleaf and the products that they offer one-of-a-kind.
Cannabis enthusiasts, scientists, and those who just want to learn more about the benefits of the plant would certainly enjoy and benefit from any of the products that Goldleaf offers. This company and their goods are highly recommended.